Sue Skinner
SJ Pottery LLC
10535 Hwy 5 S
Salesville, AR 72653
Directions: From the East end of the AR5 South Exit off of AR62/412 (bypass) travel south 8.5 miles to Salesville and turn right immediately after the entrance to Dollar General to the studio and showroom. (A large white building with plenty of parking.)
“My greatest love is the story- telling redware of German potters using sgraffito decoration,” says Sue Skinner, a potter of 29 years. Skinner uses sgraffito to capture images of everyday life. Many pieces are often inspired by family and friends. “It fills me with joy when someone laughs while looking at my pots or smiles at my images,” reflects Skinner.
Skinner produces redware and salt glazed stoneware. The main body of the work is thrown using slips to decorate, and she uses hand- building to augment her work.
Skinner considers ‘tonnage’ to be her main teacher. In 2014, she and her husband were invited to teach a slab pottery class at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City. She has also been selected numerous years as one of the Top 200 American Artists in Early American Life magazine's Annual Directory of American Craftsman.
Her work can be seen and purchased at her gallery in Salesville.